Privacy Law
There are so many flavors of privacy law
Information Privacy
Data Custodian/Good Custodial Practices
data breach laws and cybersecurity (practices), compliance
Defamation & Image Rights
At the intersection of privacy and intellectual property are your public and professional images.
Maintaining the integrity of your public image is an inseparable part of your business, whether you’re a creative individual or a small company. Protecting your privacy and your public image from slander and libel is only one side of the coin; negotiating sponsorships, public appearances, and endorsements is the other. Our firm advises on both, offering litigation and dispute resolution, defamation (pre and post publication), and other image protection mechanisms—all so you can amplify and control the way you want the world to see you.
Decisional Privacy
Fundamental Rights & Decision-making
With the overturning of Roe v. Wade
Meatto and Gerken support a mother’s right to choose. We can help advise you of your rights and options in New York and Texas. If you have had an abortion or have performed an abortion and are , we can represent you
Forms of Privacy Law
Information Privacy Law
Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
Privacy Policies
Data Transfers
Data Breaches
Active Anonymity - Controlling What is Known About You
Defamation & Image Rights - Protecting Your Brand
Decisional Privacy